6 research outputs found

    Model of Vertical Marketing System in Retail Distribution

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    Fierce market competition among leading retailers asserts different models of market appearance and cooperation with suppliers. Vertical integration, as a kind of cooperation could range from one-hand transactions to mutual investments in specific assets. From a theoretical point of view the stages of integration at the end of distribution channel reflect on retailer's power and his need for resources. The importance of the paper is set by contemplation on integration factors by the modeling method. The factors like costs, responsibility, risk, margin, and function performance in the channel will be examined. The position of the partner that can be settled in the model could range from conventional contracting to full vertical integration, depending on the volume of the execution of marketing activities. The contribution of descriptive model could be a kind of recommendation to leading retailers in a way to introduce more proper forms of cooperation with suppliers.distribution channel, vertical marketing system (VMS), retailer, channel power, cooperation

    Logistics Jobs and Competition of Retail Value-Chain

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    The starting point of the paper is in theoretical conception of value-chain which declares interrelated series of belonging valuing activities (primary and secondary). Systematically settled and distinct structure of chain represents very good basis for analyzing diverse economic industries like trade. All activities do not provide same contribution to the chain's margin, for that reason it is interesting to explore firstly those who are key for achieving competitive position of retailer in relation to other participants of distribution, and secondly separate those which are related to business logistics. Theoretical approach groundwork is theory of competition, and practical groundwork is concerning with retail structure. Paper will examine the links between business logistic in value-chain and competition among retailers. Results may show which primary logistics activities retailer should give more importance when consider about their competitive position and put them on strategic level. The need for exploring such a problem emerges from current fierce specialization in trade, especially retailing. The need is to determine which logistics jobs should be considered as a core business of retailer. It is assumed that those are the jobs which are not possible to reassign to other distribution actors, at least not in significant range, and in that scope it can be seen jobs like supervising goods, put gods in order, cashier jobs, receiving and storing goods and price marking jobs, selling raw food and dishes.value-chain, competition, logistics jobs, retailing.

    Quick Response Manufacturing(QRM) as a Reaction of Production Logistics on Cooperation with Retailers

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    Paper analyses the origination of changes in modern production logistics taking into account assumption that those changes were actuated by development of business relationship modes at the end of supply chain. Producers are expected more and more to adjust production dynamics and capacities to market demand in order to gain shorter lead time. The appearance and application of new market attendance strategies as quick response (QR) requires appropriate adaptations in production logistics which Suri named "Quick Response Manufacturing" (QRM). Participation in QR program needs mutual adaptation in the roles from both sides in logistics and supply chain. Other participants must serve and conform tothe imposed rules from ones who are more powerful in the chain and that are retailers. In such analysis it is indispensably to estimate the effect of popular information systems. Contribution of the paper reflects distinctive advantages of QRM over other widespread commonly used production logistics programs and show how its utilization can generally improve producer's competitive position in logistics chain with privileged retailer.quick response strategy (QR), retailing, production logistics, cooperation, information technology.